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A Real Test of the Character

It’s easy to be positive and grateful when everything is okay.

But it is a real test of the character to be positive and grateful when things are not good.

And especially when you are in a physical pain.

#Day12 of the 21-days #Gratitude #Challenge: ⭐💃

Today, make the effort to live life with a positive outlook. Restrain from criticizing the people around you. Dare to see the glass half full. Listen more than you speak. Give freely of yourself. Practice kindness at every opportunity. *************** In general, this is something that I try to do every day. So I really thought there is nothing new for me here and I couldn’t learn anything.

But I was completely wrong.

I thought that would be the easiest challenge, the easiest day for me. But it turned out to be the most challenging one.

My initial plan was to do physical exercises.

Physical exercises elevate your mood, help you to be in a more positive state. And from there to have a more positive outlook.

But then something happened.

One of my loved ones asked me to do something, in fact, forced me. And that “something” caused me back injury.

That happened on Saturday morning. The rest of the day, I spent pretty much in the negative - criticizing and complaining.

I was barely able to walk. And it was really a nightmare.

Now, I’m grateful for that challenging day. Because in difficult situations, when something bad happens to you, your true character shows up. You can see what you are made of.

Adversities, challenges, bad things, they reveal your true nature. You can see yourself with “true eyes”, to see your white points, your weaknesses.


Difficulties help you get to know yourself better, show the areas on which you still need to work on or you need to put in more efforts. Work on them, learn your lessons and move on with confidence! ************

📌I try to live every day in a positive and grateful state, but I'm aware now that I need to condition this state more, to generate more of the emotions that I want to experience in my life, like with the Gratitude Challenge I'm doing now.

So when the adversity comes, when something bad happens, it can't really destroy you because you are solid like a rock.

For that, you have to prepare, you have to build the required habits. And the habits are built through repetition.

Repetition is the Mother of Mastery

And Focus is the Father :-D of Mastery :-)

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