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SMART goals

SMART goals

Step 1: Specific

If you go in a car and don’t have the address where you want to go, you’re lost.

But if you know the country, where you want to go, the city, the street, the number… the more exact you are, the more likely you’ll reach your goal and the faster you’ll get there. Your goal will be much more powerful. You will be like an arrow thrown directly in the center of the target.

In most cases, procrastination and lack of motivation are because of vagueness, confusion what to do, because of vague goals. And “Vague Goals Produce Vague Results”.

The more specific you are, the easier will be for you to overcome procrastination and lack of motivation, too. Clarity is power! And you need to be crystal clear.

Don’t say – I want to become rich, I want to write a book, I want a yacht, I want a diamond ring, I want to be the best...

These are not goals. These are dreams. What does the best mean to you? How will you make it? When?

Goals are very different from dreams. Goals are very specific and very clear. We can assess them if we have achieve them or not. Goals are measurable.

Step 2: Measurable

You need to measure your goals to see if you are making a progress or not. Sometimes, you may go off track. You need to make adjustments. That’s why monthly, weekly, even daily reviews are essential.

Step 3 & 4: Attainable and Realistic

You need to make sure that you have 7, 8, 9 or 10 level of belief in your goal (from the scale from 0 to 10) and respectively 7, 8, 9 or 10 level of desire for it. Because if you don’t believe in your goal, if you doubt, you’ll have limiting beliefs that will hold you back. You may start, but come up short.

Also, when you set a goal, pay attention to your language. Use empowering language, words which inspire and motivate you.

Step 5: Time-bound

When you set a goal, make sure that it’s not open-ending, but has a specific date by which you have to do it. And you have to take the responsibility to achieve it.

There are many examples I can give here.

For instance, in the school or university, if you don’t do a project by a certain date, you may get a bad mark or repeat the whole class. You have to do it by this time. Otherwise, there are bad consequences.

The same in the bank. If you don’t pay the money by a certain time, you may lose your house e.g.

Deadlines help us to get a sense of urgency, which creates pressure and pressure creates diamonds.

Example of a SMART goal:

I will easily do my morning ritual 5 days a week at least for 10 min and experience peak levels of happiness, joy and peace at levels 9 or 10 by December 31, 2017 (this is from Stefan from Project Life Mastery).

See the power of the empowering language :-)


Commit yourself to achieving your goals.

“If you want to take the island, burn the boats”.

Finish Strong!

You can set goals and not take actions on them. The key is execution. That’s why next time, we're going to continue with Part 3 of Finish This Year Stronger Challenge in our awesome group.

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