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The 7-days Book Challenge - Day 1

The 7-days Book Challenge (in our FB group)

Day 1:

Today has been a very busy, hectic and an extremely hot day. So I’m really glad that I have managed to read – to take my “vitamins” for the mind :)

I read for 35 min Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by Brian Tracy (This is my second time reading this book), followed by a 10-min break for some delicious pears and plums, then I read for 20 min in Russian – Bach’s biography. It is very important for me to read both in Russian and in English. If you don’t practice your languages, you forget many things. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

What I have learned & What actions I’m going to take

Bach’s biography

Despite the enormous difficulties in his life and at his work place in Leipzig, Bach showed persistence and kept creating new music.

So no excuse for me, I need to practice the piano 3 hours every day!

If this is really important for you, you will find the time. Successful people refuse to make excuses, they make progress!

What actions I’m going to take: I need to be more persistent on the road to my dreams and practice the piano more. If Bach in those difficult circumstances did it, so can I :-)


What I have learned & What actions I’m going to take

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Part 1:

“The Law of Belief says: Whatever you believe, with conviction becomes your reality. And all your beliefs are learned. At one time you did not have them.”

All change in your outside world & life starts “with a change in your self-concept, with a change in the way you think and feel about yourself and your world”

What actions I’m going to take: I’m already using affirmations in my morning ritual. But now, I’m going to really focus on them and on visualizations, and put more emotions into them. I do believe in the Law of Attraction and Belief. I need to condition my mind to positivity. Like Aristotle said: “Whatever is impressed is expressed”

Part 2:

What I have learned:

“When in doubt, “double your rate of failure”. The more things you try, the more likely you are to triumph.”

“Instead of using our amazing minds to figure out how to get what we want, we use our reasoning ability to create reasons why we can’t, and why the things we want are not possible for us.”

What actions I’m going to take:

To come up with different ways to reach my dreams and start working on them NOW!

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