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The 7-days Book Challenge - Day 5

Today in Day 5-th of The 7-days Book Challenge in Inspiration and Support group, I’ve read for 20 min and I’ve managed to finish the first chapter – Change Your Thinking.

📌 For me, a book should not only inspire and motivate you, but also in a way “force” you to take actions to transform your life for better. That’s exactly what Brian Tracy’s books do with me. I love Brian’s practical advice. Especially, I love the action exercises at the end of each chapter. Some great questions, there. From the first chapter, my favorite one is – “What kind of people do you most admire and respect? Why? How could you change your behavior so that it is more consistent with that of the best people you know?”

I have already thought about that and even created a pic. You can see it below – My Role Models

I keep this picture next to my bed, so I can see it every morning when I open my eyes and every night when I go to sleep.

💡The key question for me here is – How could you change your behavior so that it is more consistent with that of your role models?

Conclusion & Action Plan:

  1. I need to – I do it every day, but I need to increase the speed and what’s the most important - to implement what I’m learning in my life and to show results.

  2. I need to do physical exercises on a regular basis! This is a must for me! Like Brendon Burchard says "Life itself is energy, so you have no energy, what does that say about your life?"

📌 Energy is life and life is energy, or put it in another way, life is movement and movement is life.

Successful people are very action-oriented. Take an action immediately! Start doing it :-) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - START :-)

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