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Foundation of Success

I see myself as a baby trying to learn to walk. I will fall but that is normal in the learning process. I will rise and try again and again till I’m able to walk on my own.

The same way I view my process of becoming a high performer and a master. There will be failures, but that is a normal part of my journey to progress. My focus is on giving my best. And I will try again and again till I succeed, because high performance is important to me. I won’t give up.

In that sense, I believe the way you approach things is very important. Everything starts with your mindset. Your mindset is the foundation of success.

If you believe that you are going to fail and if the statistics shows for example that 95% of people who have tried this, failed and if you become fearful that you might follow these 95%, then this belief, this fear will hold you back and then there is a very big possibility that you come up short and really fail.

On the other hand, if you believe that you are going to be successful and that failures are an inevitable part of your journey to success, then there is a great chance for you to reach that success, because you won’t give up.

You know that there will be failures, there will be ups and downs on your road, but this is a part of your quest for progress. This is something normal. This is what makes us human.

And you know deep inside that actually, there aren’t failures.

Failure is a feedback, sent to you to teach you something – to open your eyes for your weak points, to show you the areas where you still need to work on.

Failures are here to help you to forge your character, to help you to become a better person. BUT it depends only on you if you are going to learn from the failure and move forward with hope or if you are going to jump ship and give up. Here is good to add that it is not possible to be a true master if you don’t know the taste of the victory, too.

I also like what Thomas Edison said: "I didn’t fail. I've just found 10 000 ways that won't work." Or “I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.

So the bottom line is - Everything depends on the way you look at it, on your beliefs, your mind. Your mindset is very important.

Also, what’s important - When you set a goal, to have a desire and belief that this goal is possible at least 7 on the scale from 1 to 10.

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