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Word of the Day 13 - HEART - Inspiration from Dimi

The daily diet of positive words – Word of the Day 13 - HEART - Inspiration from Dimi

My uncle is a former musician. In my dream, one of my favorite composers, who is old now, was standing by his front door. He looked at me and said:

When will you start working on your dream? I have been waiting for you for such a long time. See, I’m old now. When are you starting?

– said he and kept waiting for me patiently by the front door of my uncle.

At that moment, I woke up from my night dream. My heart felt pain. The pain of neglecting it for such a long time. My heart was crying, dreaming of blooming again in the magical world of music, in its world, dreaming of sharing its gifts, dreaming of sending faith, hope and love, dreaming of being a hero!

My heart was tired of chasing empty things. At the same time, my mind was saying:

You can’t make a living with music. No, you can’t start again that pipe dream!

But my heart kept insisting, wanted to come out of its shell, wanted to be a hero.

I’m walking dead now – it was whispering to me – Why did you bury my talents? Didn’t you know that this is a crime? You are born with talents and it’s your responsibility and challenge as well, to use all of them not only to survive, but also to thrive.

What are you doing with your gifts and talents? Are you living your life using your full potential? Do you want at the end of your life to say What if…?

When are you starting to work on your dream?

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