Start with Why - part 1
If I want to buy your products or services on your home page, the very first question I ask myself is Can I trust you?
That’s why I look for testimonials and reviews. I have to admit I usually don’t read the testimonials on the home page. I don’t trust them. If they are on your homepage, they should be positive, right? At least, that is my perception. So I open your FB page and look for comments and reviews there.
However, before reading the testimonials, much more important for me is your personal story – Who you are, Why you do what you do, the About me section. I may miss other links and tabs on your website, but I will always read the About me section, or for me, the tab – My personal story is better.
Like Simon Sinek says in his book Start with Why - “People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."
Your WHY is what differentiate you from other companies, what makes you unique. If you don’t have WHY, you had to resort to using different manipulation techniques like price, new products, features, services, benefits, the commodity stuff as Simon Sinek puts it in his book:
"If WHAT you do doesn't prove what you believe, then no one will know what your WHY is and you'll be forced to compete on price, service,quality, features and benefits; the stuff of commodities"
Manipulations may be successful in short-term but in long-term they will cause you stress, money and much more. If you start with WHY, you set a higher standard.
“There are a few leaders who choose to inspire rather than manipulate in order to motivate people.” (Start with Why by Simon Sinek)
They create loyalty.
“Loyalty is when people are willing to turn down a better product or a better price to continue doing business with you. Loyal customers often don't even bother to research the competition or entertain other options.” (Start with Why by Simon Sinek)
There are many people like you who offer the same services or products. What makes you different is Your Why - Start with Why.
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