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The 7 levels deep exercise

Have you done the 7 levels deep exercise? They say number 7 is a magical number.

These are questions – you go deeper into your answers by asking “why” questions seven times - each question is based on the previous answer. I learned this exercise from Millionaire Success Habits book by Dean Graziosi and I really like it. I think when you get deeper and find the root of your why, you will be stronger simply because you are clearer on the purpose behind your actions, and more motivated, especially in challenging times

Here is about me and Why is it important for me to become a successful musician? (I would say that the answer number 7 is true for everything I do in life)

1. Why is it important for you to become a successful musician? - Because I want to touch with my music message as many people as possible. 2. Why do you want to touch with your music message as many people as possible? – Because I want to help many people - to send faith, hope and love with music 3. Why is it important for you to send faith, hope and love with music? – Because I have a message, songs in my heart that I believe can help people to keep the faith, hope and love – the main ingredients in life 4. Why is it important for you people to keep the faith, hope and love – the main ingredients in life? - Because there is no life without faith, hope and love. Life is really dark and much more difficult. There is no sunshine. 5. Why do you think there is no sunshine without faith, hope and love? – Because I have been there. In my life journey, I was lacking faith, hope and love many times - growing up without a mother, a lot of problems in school and at home, many suicide attempts… I want to be the sunshine. I want to be the hero. 6. Why do you want to be the sunshine and the hero? - I’ve always felt this to be my calling 7. Why have you always felt this to be your calling? – It comes down from my life journey. Like I said - lacking faith, hope and love in my life. Also, from my spiritual journey – searching for the true faith. As well as that, from the heroes in my life – people who have helped me, who have sent me faith, hope and love. Finally from 3 very special books for me – Faith, Hope and Love. I know what does it feel to live without faith, hope and love and I want to help people – to send them more sunshines – the sunshines of faith, hope and love, especially in the difficult times we are living now

So my number 7 is - I know what does it feel to live without faith, hope and love and I want to help people – to send them more sunshines – the sunshines of faith, hope and love, especially in the difficult times we are living now. Interesting what is your list of reasons and what is your number 7? Do you feel that number 7 is your true why? Take one of your goals and try the 7 levels deep exercise :-)

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