Word of the Day 4 – WORKOUT
The daily diet of positive words - Word of the Day 3 – WORKOUT
Inspiration from Dimi
Are you tired of getting a stage during the day when you don’t have enough physical strength to continue, you are worn out and not able to keep working on your dreams? Your mind says yes, but your body says no.
I felt that many times. Last year, I took actions and did physical exercises. However, that was only for 2 months. After that, I got sick and after the break, it was really difficult to start again. At some moment, I did start, but stopped and basically lost the momentum.
But then something happened.
My mind got so tired of me that it said to my body – I’ll push you on the floor and make you do physical exercises till you get exhausted, because I’m tired of you not having enough strength to follow your dreams. I’m tired of your excuses. I’m tired of your procrastination. You neglected me for so long. You turned me into a woodshed whereas I’m a temple. Get up, buddy, we have work to do with you! You have dreams! Don’t let them die because of your physical state!
Here is the time to say - That powerful conversation between my mind and body was provoked by the powerful words of one and only Jim Rohn, specifically by his comparison – a woodshed and a temple. His words resonated deeply with me. And the effect was profound. Immediately after reading them, I began doing my physical exercises.
I hope by sharing my experience with you, I also managed to inspire you to take an action.
Like Jim Rohn says – “For things to change, you have to change.”
Now the question is – How do you treat your body? Do you work out? Do you eat the right food?
Do you take care of your body like a woodshed or do you look after it like a temple?
This Word of the Day was inspired by my own life experiences and by one and only JIM ROHN. If you still haven’t done it, I highly recommend that you watch his videos and read his books!
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