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Permission Marketing and Purple Cow – Review

Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers and Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin – Book Review


I have to say that I've read these books after I finished with Start with Why by Simon Sinek -"People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it"

The Golden Circle created by Simon Sinek – Why, What and How.

In the Permission Marketing and the Purple Cow, the focus is entirely on what and how. Like Simon Sinek said in the long term these are manipulation techniques and if you forget your why – why you do what you do and focus on what and how, you will be forced to compete on price, quality, products, services, innovations – the commodity stuff which in fact means you have to use manipulation techniques. In the short term, they may be effective, but in the long term they will cost you more money and stress. Instead of manipulation techniques, true leaders choose to inspire. Choose to Start with Why. If you still haven’t read Start with Why, I highly recommend that you do it, especially if you are a business owner or at least, watch the video below.

From every thing I try to take the positive, so the positive from the Permission Marketing and the Purple Cow books for me:

  1. Build trust and develop relationships with your customers – Number one – before and after the sale, too

  2. I like the comparison – Purple Cow – To be remarkable - Not to be an ordinary cow, but to be extraordinary :-)

  3. Build an email subscriber list – I would say this doesn’t work as good as it used to be. Nowadays, everyone is using email marketing. Every day I receive tons of new emails, all competing for my attention. So even I wanted, I couldn’t check all of them. I think whereas in the past people used to open Internet to check their emails, now most of the people use the Internet to check their social media accounts, particularly Facebook. In that sense, I suggest that you go over the social media guide by Julie Burke. Because for sure, social media and Facebook are the leading media at the moment.

Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TED

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